Competition Results

We are pleased to announce the results of our recent competition.

The following names were drawn from all those who submitted the correct answer to the competition question:

Elsia Hoareau from Air Seychelles
Choice of three DVDs

Khalid Mohamed from Qatar Airways
Choice of two DVDs

Arkaluk Kleemann from Air Greenland
Choice of one DVD

Congratulations to the winners, and our thanks to all those who entered the competition

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Zoom Airlines – ITS delivers initial CRM courses

ITS have been contracted to deliver initial CRM courses to all flight deck crew at Zoom Airlines. The course has been specially designed by ITS to suit Zoom’s particular operation. With scheduled routes across the Atlantic and into Africa and Asia, Zoom operates B757 and B767 aircraft.

As a relatively new operation, and with a mixture of very experienced and also new pilots, the initial CRM course has been created to cover both the full CRM syllabus, and elements relating to change of operator.

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Integrated CRM/Safety Courseware for Cimber Air

ITS have been contracted by Cimber Air in Denmark to design and produce a complete set of recurrent, integrated, CRM/Safety Emergency Procedures courseware for joint pilot and cabin crew training.

The course will be 2-day duration and will be very interactive, using classroom, simulator and practical training facilities. ITS will design classroom exercises and will use training videos they have already produced.

Practical safety equipment training will be in the classroom and the fire simulator. CRM will be covered in the classroom and in practical exercises on the motion-based cabin simulator, with Cimber’s instructors trained to give detailed CRM debriefs after the exercises.

In addition to designing the course, ITS will deliver a 2-day workshop to Cimber’s instructors to familiarise them with the new course. ITS will also run a refresher CRM Instructor course for Cimber’s instructors.

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Support for London’s Metropolitan Police ASU

ITS continue their relationship with the London Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit.

The unit has now purchased a range of training programmes on DVD to be used within their initial and recurrent CRM training courses. In addition the unit has purchased Computer Based CRM Modules which will be used during classroom training and with their synthetic trainer.

Previously, two of the unit’s instructors have attended the ITS CRM Instructor course and now the Chief Instructor/Chief Pilot will attend our CRM Instructor course in May.

ITS are now discussing ongoing support for the ASU, with particular emphasis on the relationship and interaction between the pilot and the two observers during deployments.

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CRMI-Line Courses for GA Operators

Over the last three months ITS have delivered CRM Instructor-Line courses for six GA Operators.

This one-day course is designed to give instructors the knowledge and skills required to facilitate line training sessions in the context of CRM.

During the course delegates covered the observation of behaviours, including an introduction to NOTECHS/Behavioural Markers, and the delivery of feedback based on those observations.

There were practical sessions on the course so that delegates could practice these skills, and delegates also discussed and practiced the process of briefing and debriefing line training exercises.

ITS runs the CRM Instructor-Line course privately for individual clients or as an open course, which instructors from any operator may join.

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National Health Service Purchase Training Videos

The UK National Health Service (NHS) has purchased a series of training videos from ITS and these will be used as supporting aids when delivering leadership and teamwork skills training to junior doctors.

The videos will be used, along with simulations, to demonstrate human factors in serious incidents, and will illustrate issues at work in clinical medicine.

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Aviation Training Videos – Free Offer from ITS

As a producer and distributor of Aviation Training Videos ITS offers a wide range of training programmes on DVD or VHS Video format. The programmes are divided into the following categories:

• Safety & Emergency Procedures
• Fire
• Security
• Air Disasters
• Medical
• Health & Safety

Special Offer – Free Video

Buy any three videos and pay for only two, we will give you the cheapest programme free of charge. This offer is valid for all orders received by 1800 hours GMT on May 31st 2008.

Click here to contact ITS.

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Singapore Airlines Teamwork Project

ITS has completed an 18-month project with Singapore Airlines. The objective of this project is to develop the specific skills associated with effective cross-functional working across the airline’s Flight Ops, Cabin Crew, Engineering and Airport Management departments. To put it another way, it is to avoid a ‘silo’ mentality within the organisation, whereby personnel in one department take little consideration for the requirements of other departments.

The task was to design a training course that will improve cross-functional working across the four departments, and then to train the airline’s facilitators to deliver the course.

The prime objective of the training is that, having attended the course, participants will be able to recognize the impact their personal behaviour in the workplace can have on personnel in their own, and other departments. More importantly, the training will assist them to manage their own and others’ behaviour to keep the operational goal in sight. In addition, as personnel from all four departments attend each training course, they gain a much greater understanding of the needs and difficulties experienced by the other departments.

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NOTECHS and Debrief Skills Training for Astraeus

ITS have recently delivered, at London Gatwick Airport, the first of a series of courses for Astraeus, which combine Assessment Skills and Debrief Skills training for the airline’s Line Trainers and Simulator Instructors.

Astraeus are keen to ensure their instructors are competent in debriefing training sessions and CRM assessment sessions; ITS have therefore designed a composite course for Astraeus which links debriefing and facilitation skills to assessment training for non-technical skills, both on the line and in the simulator.

Astraeus have adopted the NOTECHS scheme as their behavioural marker system and, in addition to delivering the combined Debrief and Assessment Skills course, ITS have provided support and guidance in the implementation of the NOTECHS scheme.

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Ryanair and NOTECHS

Over the last six years ITS has supported Ryanair in all aspects of the airline’s CRM Training Programme. Initially ITS delivered CRM training to all flight deck and cabin crew personnel; more recently ITS have delivered instructor training courses to Ryanair instructors, who now deliver CRM training for the airline. Within this process, ITS design and produce joint flight deck and cabin crew, combined CRM/SEP recurrent courseware.

ITS have also worked closely with Ryanair’s simulator instructors and have delivered CRMI-Simulator courses to all instructors.

Ryanair is currently introducing a Behavioural Marker Scheme which was designed and prepared by ITS to meet Ryanair’s specific requirements.

ITS is now in the process of delivering CRM Assessment Training courses to almost 200 of the airline’s line trainers and training captains to support the implementation of the BM scheme.

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