Biz-Jet Initial CRM Training, Slovenia
ITS has delivered Initial CRM training to personnel employed with business jet operator Elit’Avia, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Elit’Avia specifically asked that as many company personnel as possible attend the training. The course was therefore prepared to accommodate a wide range of personnel including flight crew, cabin crew, despatch, crew control, travel, HR, sales, finance and management.
The first task for ITS was to visit the company offices in Ljubljana to conduct a detailed GAP analysis around the company and its operation. This included one-to-one conversations with a wide range of personnel from all departments in the company.
Once the GAP analysis had been completed, ITS then prepared a course specifically tailored to the Elit’Avia business jet operation.
Whilst the required CRM syllabus was covered in full, additional attention was paid in particular to teamwork and communication within the organisation, both within individual teams, and between the various teams/departments.
Feedback from the training was extremely positive, which once again demonstrates ITS’ experience and skill in designing and delivering bespoke training solutions for a wide range of clients and operations.
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