Welcome to Company Teamwork – part of the ITS Academy Group, the worldwide Human Factors consultancy and training provider:
Based in the UK, but operating worldwide, we specialise in all aspects of human factors and behavioural change; we provide a comprehensive range of training courses, products and services to a wide range of clients.
With more than 400 clients, we have worked in more than 70 countries worldwide; from the Americas to the Far East, from the Arctic Circle to the South Atlantic.
At ITS we believe effective teamwork is essential for companies who want to remain competitive and responsive in today’s business environment. Unless we are completely isolated, and very few of us are, we work with other people and of course we can achieve higher productivity working as a team than as individuals within a team.
Crucial to business performance is the ability for teams or departments to work with, and alongside, each other efficiently.

Company Teamwork
Training Programmes
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Company Teamwork
Error Management
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Company Teamwork
Assessment Skills
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Company Teamwork
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