CRM Trainers & Covid-19
On-line Refresher Training
We are currently in extreme circumstances, which are likely to continue for an extended period.
Airlines are suffering major problems, not the least of which will be maintaining the validity of their various instructors in order to be in a position to ramp up training once the crisis has passed.
At ITS Academy, in order to maintain validity for CRM Trainers, we can deliver EASA compliant, on-line CRM Trainer Refresher courses (CRMT-R), for a limited period only, to support our clients at this time.
We realise this might seem an unusual suggestion, and of course we recognise that classroom training is the best possible solution; however, to put this into context:
Whilst there may be an implicit expectation for classroom CRMT-R training within AMC3 ORO.FC.115, there is no specific requirement for it.
The only specific requirement for a CRMT-R in AMC3 ORO.FC.115 is that ‘the refresher training of flight crew CRM trainers should include new methodologies, procedures and lessons learned.’ These are items that can be readily discussed in a conference video call.
CRMT-R courses involve working with experienced CRM Trainers who are required to refresh and update their knowledge and skills on a tri-annual basis. They therefore already have a fundamental understanding and knowledge of the subject matter, and the means/skills of delivering training in the classroom.
You may be interested to hear that the Regulator for one of our European clients has approved on-line recurrent CRM Crew Training for a limited period. We have very successfully delivered the first courses, using sophisticated software which incorporates:
- The inclusion of multiple participants from either a single venue, or from multiple international venues.
- Our instructor can, for example:
- Deliver a standard PowerPoint presentation to all participants
- Run videos
- Run case studies, having previously emailed content and details to all participants
- Run exercises
- Include a whiteboard facility whereby the instructor can make contemporaneous notes available to all participants, or on which any one participant can make notes available for the instructor and other participants
- Send questions or text to any one individual without them being available to others
- Interact with a single participant, groups, or the entire ‘class’
For an on-line CRMT-R course we will ask all participants to submit, in advance of the course, any/all of the following (all of which for a normal ground-based CRMT-R we ask participants to bring to the classroom):
- Any issues, topics or subjects on which they may feel additional support, assistance, or further information would be beneficial.
- Any new ideas, exercises, tasks or supporting resources they feel the other participants might benefit from.
- For our clients when, for any reason, we are unable to make a research visit before preparing courseware for any type of CRM course, we already use an on-line platform to submit questionnaires to the company, and to the participants, in order that we can gain the best possible information about their operation. These questionnaires will be adapted and used for an on-line CRMT-R.
At ITS Academy, we remain committed to supporting our clients in any way possible.
If you would like to receive additional information about our online CRM Trainer refresher courses, or if you would like to make a reservation for yourself or your company, please contact us.