Integrated CRM/SEP for Cimber in Denmark
Having produced a complete set of integrated CRM/SEP recurrent courseware for Cimber Air in 2008, ITS are pleased to confirm that Cimber have awarded them a contract to produce a further set of courseware for their 2009/2010 recurrent training programme.
Once again the courseware will integrate CRM training with Safety Procedures training, and it will be a joint pilot and cabin crew course.
The course this year will be 1-day duration and will again be very interactive, using classroom, simulator and practical training facilities.
The course will incorporate case studies from two recent Cimber incidents, and ITS will produce training videos on both incidents.
In addition to designing and producing the courseware, ITS will again deliver a 2-day workshop to Cimber’s CRM facilitators to familiarise them with the new course.
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